How long has it been since you last tasted tasty fish? Well, you have consumed the fish for times uncountable. Not all people are fond of fish but in some or the other form they do harvest the benefits of fish oil. Have you ever thought about the benefits of fish oil? If you are not very health conscious, you may have considered this a matter out of your life. But the people conscious of their physical health and mental well-being cannot afford to be unaware of the nutritional values that the fish oil offers.
What is Fish Oil?
If you are a health conscious person, the question here may appear out of place. Well, fish oil is derived from oily fish tissues. fish oil omega 3
Today, fish oil is widely used in the form of medicines and also mixed in the health food supplements. You may have received several suggestions from the friends for the intake of fish oil. You may have often wondered why the people around you strongly advise to use fish oil. Well, here are few words that sum up the benefits of fish oil in brief.
Contents of Fish Oil
Briefly speaking, fish oil contains Omega-3 fatty acids like EPA or eicosapentaenoic acid and DHA or docosahexaenoic acid. These are known as the precursors of eicosanoids. Eicosanoids are known to diminish inflammation in human body and also known for rendering other benefits of health. There are certain fishes from which the fish oil can be obtained in abundance. Among such fishes; tilefish, king mackerel, albacore, dioxin, mercury and swordfish are known as standing ahead in the queue. Due to the prevalence of fish oil in such fishes, the prices of these also remain comparatively higher than other types of fishes.
Benefits of Using Fish Oils
You may have heard or read about few benefits that are obvious from fish oils. There is host of advantages form fish oil and here are some prominent ones in brief:
1. Reduction in Heart Diseases, Blood Pressure and Stroke
Fish oil is known to lower triglyceride or the cholesterol related fat levels and thus reduces the level of blood pressure. The condition related to blood flow in the body and heart gets much benefit from fish oil. If taken under the proper care and guidance of a specialist or physician, the heart stroke and other heart diseases can also be kept under control. But one must remember that the excess intake of fish oil can cause heart stroke.
2. Helpful in reducing the severity of Osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis symptoms can be reduced by the use of fish oil. Any kind of joint pains whether inflammatory or non-inflammatory can be brought under control by the use of fish oil as it contains sufficient amount of omega 3 fatty acids.
3. Effective in weight reduction efforts
The fish oil supplements have been very much in fashion today. The combined effects of EPA and DHA reduce the chances of excess fat accumulation in the body as they have the ability to burn fat. The overweight people or the obese can get tremendous relief by the use of fish oil supplements. The people from all walks can regain the desirable physical looks and fitness by using the fish oil supplements under proper guidance coupled with appropriate physical exercises.
4. Improvement in Bone Health
Vitamin D, magnesium and calcium are very much required for the well-being of bones in the body but one should not forget that Omega 3 fatty acid is one of the indispensable constituents that contribute in improving the bone health. If you really wish to maintain the mineral density in the bones, you should not overlook fish oil supplements.
5. Preservation of thin and less formidable muscles
One should know that the muscles in the body are always active metabolically. Whether you are doing physical exercises, activities or you are at rest; the muscles never stop burning calories. The cancer patients that undergo chemotherapy and the people who are on dieting must remember the benefits of fish oil in maintaining their muscles.
6. Abatement of signs and symptoms of ageing
Omega 3 fatty acids are well known for abating the signs and symptoms of ageing. Not only do the omega 3 fatty acids improve the inner physical health but also boost the health of the outer skin and thus keep one young and energetic. It is not that it prevents ageing but that makes one look and feel younger than one’s actual age.
7. Boost to mental health
You may have often thought about why your mother wanted you to eat fish during the school examinations. Well, really speaking it may not directly or charismatically increase the memory power of your brain but the various researches and studies show that Omega 3 fatty acid preserves the mental well being. It is then obvious that your brain would get boosts and memorize more things than usual. The EPA present in omega 3 fatty acids is very much helpful in the brain’s proper neuronal growth and particularly the frontal cortex growth. The depressive disorder and schizophrenia can be effectively controlled by the use of fish oils.
8. Protection of Brain from Alzheimer’s disease
The Louisiana State University concluded from its research and study that the DHA present in omega 3 fatty acids can to a great extent reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. Though, considering DHA as the absolute remedy of Alzheimer’s disease is certainly a misunderstanding; the analysis and research shows that the brain’s cognitive problems have been brought under control by the use of omega 3 fatty acid that is found in the fish oils.
9. Beneficial effects in Psoriasis
Though, not a complete remedy; the food supplements containing cod liver oil have been, as per the study, very effective in the conditions of psoriasis.
10. Pregnancy and Fish Oil
The chances of brain injury of fetus can be reduced to a great extent by the use of Omega 3 fatty acid (polyunsaturated) that is found commonly in the fish oil. Also the breastfeeding mothers can render long term health benefits to their infants by consuming DHA found in the Omega 3 fatty acid. The neurodevelopment aspects of the infants can reap great benefits from the mothers if they intake DHA. Fish oil thus proves to be immensely beneficial in many ways. It is not for any simple reason that it is unquestionably accepted worldwide as one of the charismatic elements that works in many ways to benefit the physical and mental well being of human beings.
Precautions to be Observed
After plodding through the magical effects and benefits of fish oil you may be wondering why you never thought of using it. You may have tried to use it in some point of time but gave up as you did not see any immediate and obvious effects. Well, it is advisable that you never plunge into using it without considering its pros and cons. Excess intake of anything can bring about the contrary outcomes and so is the case with fish oil. Be it the medicinal use of it or the use as the supplements; you must always observe precautions before its intake. The excessive use or intake of it can be very dangerous and even fatal. It is always better to resort to the guidance of the specialists or the reputed physicians that have mastered in guiding the intake of fish oil.
What should be the maximum intake of fish oil?
Drawing a boundary in the use of fish oil has been controversial. Some of the research agencies and the institutions consider the intake of 3000mg omega 3 acids as the safe quantity. There may be disagreements on the maximum limit of it but one must know it is always better and safe to intake under the guidance and care of some trustworthy practitioners. Also it is wise to have patience and avoid acting desperately in pursuit of quick outcomes.
Fish oil formulations available in the market
If you have never used the fish oil supplements, you may wonder where and how you can find it. Well, in modern days it is available everywhere and in different forms. You can easily get the fish oil supplements in any chemist shop in the form of tablets, capsules or liquids. Also you do not have to pay extravagant amounts. They are available with different names and from different companies. But one should take some time out of the busy schedule and gather some significant information before actually using it.
Beware of the unreliable companies and products
The escalating use and demand of fish oil supplements has enticed several business organizations towards undertaking this business enterprise. Today, there appears intense competition among various business enterprises. Also some of the organizations try to earn benefits through some immoral and illegal ways by offering the products of poor quality. You may be allured by products that claim to provide quality benefits at the cheapest of prices. It is therefore advisable the before you purchase fish oil supplements, you must sufficiently educate yourself and avoid the poor products. One should bear in mind that it is not possible to buy gold in the price of silver. The cheaper products may not necessarily poor in quality and yet it is safe to educate oneself before emptying one’s pocket.
Fish Oil and Other Supplements
Is fish oil the only supplement that can benefit you in a holistic manner? Well, you should bear in mind that nothing can solely be responsible and capable of rendering everything that your body-system requires. Furthermore, every individual body-system may require divergent supplements. Fish oil is simply a part of the overall supplements that a body requires for complete well being. It is a serious concern for every individual to know which elements the body needs to maintain perfect health. Omega 3 fatty acids could be beneficial in many ways and yet it cannot be the single entity to take care of all the requirements. Fish oil does improve your eyesight but your inner sight should be strong enough to discern the use of different supplements. But you should be sure of one thing that fish oil is many-in-one supplement that can incomparably provide you multiple benefits.
Eden Nuganics is a natural health and wellness blog offering articles and information that cover all aspects of wellness, holistic living and lifestyle ideas
Monday, 24 March 2014
The Amazing Benefits of Himalayan Pink Salt
Have you heard about the amazing
Himalayan crystal salt that comes directly from the Himalayan Mountains?
It is packed with some pretty amazing benefits and is an amazing new
staple to add to your pantry. It is an absolutely wonderful alternative
to table salt, and soon I’ll explain why.
The History
First of all, what makes Himalayan
crystal salt so amazing? About 200 million years ago, there were
crystallized sea salt beds that were covered with lava. Being kept in
this untouched, pristine environment that has been surrounded with snow
and ice for so many years means that the salt has been protected from
modern day pollution. Many people believe that this pink salt from the
Himalayas is the purest salt that can be found on the planet.
Minerals & Energy
Himalayan Salt contains the same 84
trace minerals and elements that are found in the human body, that alone
is quite impressive! A few of these minerals include: sodium chloride,
sulphate, calcium, potassium and magnesium. When using this salt, you
are actually getting less sodium intake per serving than regular table
salt because it is less refined and the pieces are larger. Therefore
Himalayan salt has less sodium per serving because the crystals or
flakes take up less room than the highly processed table salt variety.
Another cool thing about this salt is that because of its cellular
structure it stores vibrational energy. The minerals in this salt exist
in colloidal form, which means that they are small enough for our cells
to easily absorb.
What Exactly Are The Benefits?
Some of the benefits that you can expect by consuming this salt in place of regular table salt include:
- Aiding in vascular health
- Supporting healthy lungs and respiratory function
- Promoting a stable pH balance within the cells
- Reducing the signs of aging
- Promoting healthy sleep patterns
- Increasing libido
- Prevents muscle cramps
- Increases hydration
- Strengthen bones
- Lowers blood pressure
- Improves circulation
- Detoxifying the body of heavy metals
Comparing Himalayan Salt To Other Salts
Sea Salt
While still a better
choice than table salt, sea salt is becoming increasingly over processed
and let’s face it, our oceans are becoming more and more polluted each
year, just think about the massive oils spills that have occurred.
Because of the pristine conditions that the pink salt is kept in, it is
said to be the purest salt available today.
Table Salt
Regular, commercial table salt is
completely stripped of the majority of its minerals with the exception
of sodium and chloride. It is then bleached, cleaned with chemicals and
then heated at extremely high temperatures. The iodine that is added to
table salt is almost always synthetic which is difficult for our bodies
to properly take in. It is treated with anti-caking agents, which
prevents the salt from dissolving in water and in the salt container.
These agents then prevent the salt from absorbing in our own bodies,
which leads to a build up and deposit within the organs. This can cause
severe health problems. Studies have shown that for each gram of table
salt that is consumed that the body cannot process, your body will use
20 TIMES the amount of cellular water to neutralize the amount of sodium
chloride that is present in this chemically treated salt.
This is large in part of how salt has
gotten such a bad name. It is not necessarily salt that is unhealthy for
us, it is refined table salt that is inferior for our health. Aside
from that, many of us are consuming way too much processed food. These
foods contain astronomical amounts of salt, and it isn’t the good kind.
It’s not about limiting our amount of salt; it’s about consuming more
natural, homemade whole foods. This way we can add salt while cooking or
sprinkle some on our meals without having to worry about high blood
pressure and so on.
You should be able to find this amazing Himalayan Crystal Salt at your local health food store, or easily online!
Much Love
Active Manuka Honey – Where Great Taste Equals Great Health Benefits
Manuka Honey is a specific type of honey produced when honey bees collect nectar from the flowers of the Manuka bush, a native and endemic plant species of New Zealand. Famous for its unique characteristics, it offers the benefits of antibacterial and antimicrobial properties which provide those who consume and use Manuka Honey with numerous health benefits. However, the innate quality and resultant health benefits of Manuka Honey can vary greatly. To address this, the Unique Manuka Factor (UMF) trademark was originated by the Active Manuka Honey Association to create a mark of quality and assurance. Only those sources of Manuka Honey which test for high levels of special antibacterial content are licensed to display the UMF brand; indicating a superior quality of honey which produces many times more antibacterial activity than traditional table honey.
The health benefits of active Manuka Honey are well documented, with the tradition of use dating back hundreds of years. Research has repeatedly shown the positive effects that active Manuka Honey has on digestive health. Additional studies have shown the ability of active Manuka Honey to soothe eyes and throats. It is also proven to be effective against a wide range of very resistant bacteria, including the major wound healing bacteria.
Active Manuka Honey has also shown to provide remarkable health benefits when applied as a topical solution, including wounds, burns, sores, dermatitis and other skin irritations. Research focussing on discovering the full health benefits and applications of active Manuka Honey continues, with more uses being uncovered at an unprecedented rate. One of the best benefits of active Manuka Honey is the face that its totally natural; thats right, the special UMF non-peroxide antibacterial activity is naturally present in the nectar of some Manuka flowers. Active Manuka honey is 100% natural and has been enjoyed for its own unique flavour for many years. Containing a range of essential vitamins and minerals, a regular consumption of active Manuka Honey can address deficiencies. Furthermore, honey is absorbed very easily into the body, meaning that the essential nutrients contained within active Manuka Honey are quickly transported to the area of the body that requires it the most.
The health benefits of active Manuka Honey are well documented, with the tradition of use dating back hundreds of years. Research has repeatedly shown the positive effects that active Manuka Honey has on digestive health. Additional studies have shown the ability of active Manuka Honey to soothe eyes and throats. It is also proven to be effective against a wide range of very resistant bacteria, including the major wound healing bacteria.
Active Manuka Honey has also shown to provide remarkable health benefits when applied as a topical solution, including wounds, burns, sores, dermatitis and other skin irritations. Research focussing on discovering the full health benefits and applications of active Manuka Honey continues, with more uses being uncovered at an unprecedented rate. One of the best benefits of active Manuka Honey is the face that its totally natural; thats right, the special UMF non-peroxide antibacterial activity is naturally present in the nectar of some Manuka flowers. Active Manuka honey is 100% natural and has been enjoyed for its own unique flavour for many years. Containing a range of essential vitamins and minerals, a regular consumption of active Manuka Honey can address deficiencies. Furthermore, honey is absorbed very easily into the body, meaning that the essential nutrients contained within active Manuka Honey are quickly transported to the area of the body that requires it the most.
The Many Benefits of Coconut Oil
Coconut oil has been described as "the healthiest oil on earth." That is quite a remarkable statement associated with this natural and humble oil.
Wherever coconut palms grow, the people there understand the value of the food and medicine derived from the fruit. For centuries people have respected the curative properties of coconut oil.
The Scientific Name:
Cocos nucifera is the scientific name for coconut. Spanish explorers called it coco which means “monkey face” as it has three indentations on one end of the fruit, added to which long hairy fiber resembles a monkey. Nucifera literally means “nut – bearing”.
This oil which is a rich source of fiber, minerals and vitamins has more than ninety percent saturated fats. According to Dr. Weston the saturated fats in coconut oil occur naturally and are not the artificially created fats through the man made process known as hydrogenation. In his studies he found that the people of South Pacific Island thrived on a diet high in coconut and even then, had excellent cardiovascular health, with no clogged arteries.
Lauric acid, a compound found in coconut oil, is also present in mother’s milk. It helps to build the new born baby’s immune system. It is also a rich source of medium chain triglycerides.
There are several health benefits of coconut oil, both when used topically and also when consumed internally.
Hair Care:
Coconut oil is applied on the scalp and hair extensively in India, as it prevents dandruff when massaged on a dry scalp. It nourishes damaged hair and is used as a conditioner.
Skin Care:
Massaging the body and face with coconut oil delays wrinkles and sagging skin. It helps in curing problems like psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema and dry flaky skin. This oil is the basic ingredient for many expensive products like soaps, shampoos, creams and lotions.
Weight Loss:
Coconut oil stimulates the metabolism and improves thyroid function while it also removes the stress on the pancreas. As this oil contains short and medium range fatty acids it helps in keeping off excessive weight. According to a study in the journal “Lipids”, 40 women are said to have lost belly fat when given coconut oil in their diet along with an exercise regimen.
Heart Health:
Coconut oil although very high in saturated fats, contains 50% of lauric acid which prevents high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Unlike other vegetable oils it does not lead to increased LDL levels. It reduces the incidence of injury to arteries which will prevent atherosclerosis.
The saturated fats in coconut oil prevent growth of fungi and parasites that cause indigestion and related problems like irritable bowel syndrome. It helps in absorption of amino acids, vitamins and minerals.
When applied on wounds and cuts, coconut oil forms a shield, consequently preventing the entry of dust, bacteria and virus. It speeds up the healing process while repairing damaged tissue.
Coconut Oil for Cooking:
Dr. Joseph Mercola finds that olive is best for salad dressings – but unstable on heating, as a result he found coconut oil best for cooking. According to him the polyunsaturated fats like corn, soy, safflower, sunflower and canola, when heated produced toxins as well as trans-fats. The only oil that is stable enough to withstand high temperatures while cooking is coconut oil.
Wherever coconut palms grow, the people there understand the value of the food and medicine derived from the fruit. For centuries people have respected the curative properties of coconut oil.
The Scientific Name:
Cocos nucifera is the scientific name for coconut. Spanish explorers called it coco which means “monkey face” as it has three indentations on one end of the fruit, added to which long hairy fiber resembles a monkey. Nucifera literally means “nut – bearing”.
This oil which is a rich source of fiber, minerals and vitamins has more than ninety percent saturated fats. According to Dr. Weston the saturated fats in coconut oil occur naturally and are not the artificially created fats through the man made process known as hydrogenation. In his studies he found that the people of South Pacific Island thrived on a diet high in coconut and even then, had excellent cardiovascular health, with no clogged arteries.
Lauric acid, a compound found in coconut oil, is also present in mother’s milk. It helps to build the new born baby’s immune system. It is also a rich source of medium chain triglycerides.
There are several health benefits of coconut oil, both when used topically and also when consumed internally.
Hair Care:
Coconut oil is applied on the scalp and hair extensively in India, as it prevents dandruff when massaged on a dry scalp. It nourishes damaged hair and is used as a conditioner.
Skin Care:
Massaging the body and face with coconut oil delays wrinkles and sagging skin. It helps in curing problems like psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema and dry flaky skin. This oil is the basic ingredient for many expensive products like soaps, shampoos, creams and lotions.
Weight Loss:
Coconut oil stimulates the metabolism and improves thyroid function while it also removes the stress on the pancreas. As this oil contains short and medium range fatty acids it helps in keeping off excessive weight. According to a study in the journal “Lipids”, 40 women are said to have lost belly fat when given coconut oil in their diet along with an exercise regimen.
Heart Health:
Coconut oil although very high in saturated fats, contains 50% of lauric acid which prevents high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Unlike other vegetable oils it does not lead to increased LDL levels. It reduces the incidence of injury to arteries which will prevent atherosclerosis.
The saturated fats in coconut oil prevent growth of fungi and parasites that cause indigestion and related problems like irritable bowel syndrome. It helps in absorption of amino acids, vitamins and minerals.
When applied on wounds and cuts, coconut oil forms a shield, consequently preventing the entry of dust, bacteria and virus. It speeds up the healing process while repairing damaged tissue.
Coconut Oil for Cooking:
Dr. Joseph Mercola finds that olive is best for salad dressings – but unstable on heating, as a result he found coconut oil best for cooking. According to him the polyunsaturated fats like corn, soy, safflower, sunflower and canola, when heated produced toxins as well as trans-fats. The only oil that is stable enough to withstand high temperatures while cooking is coconut oil.
Wednesday, 19 March 2014
Homemade Natural Energy Drink
I started out with the intention of coming up with a recipe for a homemade version of the store bought energy drinks, but after doing some research and discovering how unhealthy they are for you, I decided instead to try and design a less sugar/caffeine fueled way to help myself through the workday afternoon sleepy slump.
What I landed on was a system of three drinks and some energy boosting ideas that are going a long way to helping me keep my energy up all day long! Here's the good on the drinks:
The Fire Hydrant (left) - 3-4 8oz glasses throughout the day
Filtered water
1 slice lemon
1 pinch cayenne pepper
Other than getting 7-8 hours of sleep a night, staying hydrated is the most important thing you can do to help keep your body functioning at optimum levels. So this drink is just water with a squeezed lemon slice and a pinch of cayenne pepper. The lemon not only tastes good, but is also super alkaline* which helps your body maintain a healthy pH level. The cayenne pepper helps raise energy levels naturally and provides protection for your heart by helping to maintain proper cardiovascular movement throughout the body. Combining this with 4-5 glasses of regular water will bring you up to your recommended 8 glasses of water per day!
*For an explanation of lemons' miraculous transition from acidic outside of the body, to alkaline once ingested, visit this link:
The Quick Fix (center) - as needed, during the day
(I don't recommend drinking it at night as it might keep you up)
hot water
1 1/2 - 2 tsp honey (to taste)
1 inch of fresh ginger root
1/4 tsp ground cardamom
1/4 tsp tumeric
Cut off two thin slices of ginger and place in your cup or mug.
Use a garlic press to juice the remaining ginger into your mug.
Add both spices and fill your mug with hot water and stir.
This is the closest thing I found to a non-caffeine/refined sugar pick me up! And I find it pretty delicious. Ginger speeds up metabolism and increases circulation. It also aids in the digestive process which can help stave off the post lunch coma that contributes to the afternoon slump. Turmeric, a cousin of ginger, also helps speed things up in the body, including energy levels! And Cardamom has long been valued medicinally for its ability to increase circulation and improve energy. Honey is mother nature's equivalent of an energy shot and is one of the best kinds of sugars for your body.
The Heavy Lifter (right) - 1 glass in the morning
1 ripe banana
1/4 cup raw almonds or 2 tbsp almond butter
1 scoop of high quality whey protein powder (low sugar content)
2 washed kale leaves
1/2 cup plain yogurt
1 tbsp ground flax seeds
1 cup milk of choice (I used unsweetened almond milk)
According to Dr. Oz, sixty percent of women don't get enough protein in their diets and that is often the number one reason for fatigue! ( A morning protein shake is a really easy and delicious way to make sure that you're starting the day off well fueled. Pair this with a piece of whole grain toast and you have everything you need to give you a solid energy foundation for the day.
The next steps are energy booster tips that I find, when done along with the drinks, help me keep on keeping on all day long!
Monday, 17 March 2014
Natural Menopause Relief
Natural remedies for menopause have always contributed a great deal to promoting women’s health. And they still do.
Combining traditional wisdom with scientific principle scientists are rediscovering the efficacy of alternative techniques as well as nature’s simple remedies based on herbs and foods commonly available in many kitchens, gardens or in neighborhood grocery stores.
How Do Menopause Treatments Work?
Many people, including women -sadly- talk lightly about the emotional upheavals and physical changes that take place in our bodies as we progress into midlife.
They often refer to these symptoms as being simply annoying and/or, uncomfortable.
But you and I know that menopausal symptoms, particularly the emotional ones can severely disrupt one’s life and strain relationships with family or friends.
Natural remedies for menopause work not so much to cure as to alleviate menopause symptoms. They do this by raising and balancing, the levels of estrogen and progesterone in your body.
And because they are not a cure, they have to be taken throughout the period that you will be experiencing all those mood swings, sleepless nights and hot flashes among others.
In this way you can maintain your life on a more or less even keel until this phase of the change of life is past. Click here to read about the average age of menopause and how long menopause lasts.
Types of Natural Remedies for Menopause
These treatments are also referred to as alternative remedies, alternative therapy, herbal menopause treatments and other similar names.
So called because they offer a non-medical alternative for relief from the discomforts of menopause, there are different approaches and they include:
- Bio-identical hormone therapy. Also referred to as natural hormone therapy, this is a treatment based on laboratory manufactured hormones. These manufactured hormones are identical to those which our bodies make and are available only on prescription from your doctor and compounding pharmacies.
- Herbs for menopause. Herbs for menopause originated in different parts of the world. They are now widely accepted as a treatment for menopause symptoms and are readily available without a prescription.
- Herbal or natural supplements for menopause. These are menopause treatments based on herbs and natural foods such as soy and yam. Available as pills, capsules, tinctures and so on, these formulations often incorporate multivitamins and minerals to offer a wide range of benefits to women in midlife, in addition to easing the symptoms of menopause. Many women, have reported taking herbal supplements to alleviate the symptoms of menopause with much success.
- Traditional treatments. These are natural remedies for menopause that have been in use by ancient cultures worldwide, to provide relief from the effects of menopause. Among these are Ayurveda and Homeopathy, which are traditional Indian medicine, Chinese Traditional Medicine and practices such as yoga.
You may decide to choose the non-HRT approach to dealing with your symptoms.
But irrespective of which you choose, lifestyle change through appropriate diet and exercises will help you look and feel your best as well as promote your long term health.
Remember that while this phase will pass, you have several years to live with it. Taking the necessary steps to help you cope will go a long way in ensuring that your transition will be a positive experience.
Headache Secret Weapons: 5 Natural Remedies
If you suffer from frequent headaches but feel a bit squeamish about dosing yourself with potent headache medicine, you know what a conundrum it can be. Here are five natural headache remedies to help soothe your pain.
One of the biggest headache remedies is simply drinking water, because oftentimes a headache is just letting you know that you’re dehydrated. A recent remedy I learned recommends adding a bit of cayenne to your water, which blocks nerve pain signals. Cayenne pepper is also said to equalize blood pressure in the body, which relieves pressure in your head. You can add 1/2 teaspoon to water, give it a stir to mix well, and dab a tiny bit on the inside of your nose. Then drink the rest! Feel free to add some lemon or honey if needed. You can also buy capsaicin cream, which has the same active ingredient.
Peppermint essential oil is great for a tension headache. I find that these headaches usually happen when I’m stressed or have been staring at the computer for too long. So take a break from the screens and massage 5-10 drops of peppermint oil into the temples and the base of your neck. Not only is the smell relaxing, but peppermint is anti-inflammatory and will help dilate blood vessels to improve blood flow.
If I feel like sinus issues are causing the headache, then I’ll add eucalyptus oil to help with congestion. You can mix both with a bit of oil and give yourself a head massage.
I was curious about magnesium after reading about my friend Kiersten’s success with it for her migraines. Turns out, the mineral magnesium helps relax nerves that transmit pain impulses to the brain and also soothes internal inflammation. One of the easiest ways I’ve found to boost my magnesium is with an Epsom salts bath. You’ll absorb a significant amount of magnesium through your skin with a nightly bath of 2 cups Epsom salts, 1/2 cup baking soda along with soothing lavender essential oil.
Another hydrotherapy option is a hot foot bath. Putting your feet in hot water dilates the blood vessels in your feet and constricts the blood flow to the head. Adding a tablespoon or two of mustard powder will help remove toxins through the feet. Soak for 20 minutes, adding new water to keep it hot. You can also put an ice pack behind your head while you soak.
I’ll admit that one of the first things I try when I feel a headache coming on is a bit of caffeine. In fact, clinical trials have shown that caffeine can reduce the frequency and intensity of headaches. But don’t go overboard, because coffee will dehydrate you, leading you back to tip #1!
If a bit off caffeine doesn’t help, try a cup of ginger tea. Ginger is a natural anti-inflammatory that’s long been used to fight headaches and nausea. It’s easy to make a tea with a bit of fresh ginger. Here’s a lemon ginger tea recipe that also includes magnesium.
What natural ways have you found to stop a headache?
Friday, 14 March 2014
Apple Cider Vinegar - How To Naturally Cure Warts
Apple cider vinegar has been touted as a safe alternative cure for many things. It even has use in removal of plantar warts. It can even be used in conjunction with duct tape therapy. To treat your plantar wart with apple cider vinegar, simply soak a gauze pad in the vinegar and tape the pad over the plantar wart. Make sure you use a fresh pad daily. The wart will eventually turn hard and black. Use a pumice stone or emery board to help facilitate the process.
heel pain relief can occur in either gender of any age. It is commonly, but not always, associated with rapid weight gain. Athletes, especially runners also seem to experience plantar fasciitis more than the general population, most likely due to the repetitive nature of sports that can damage the tis-sue in the foot. People with high arches or flat feet also have an increased risk of developing this painful condition. People with flat feet may have poor shock absorption, which increases the stretch and strain on the plantar fascia. People with highly arched feet have tighter plantar tissue, which also leads to poor shock absorption.
Plantar warts are the result of an infection. You can come into contact with the human papilloma virus from walking on wet surfaces. If you visit a public swimming pool, it is a good idea to wear swim shoes to protect your feet from contact with the wet walking area around the pool. Students who use the showers at school should wear a protective foot covering (flip flops or swim shoes) to prevent contact with the human papilloma virus and fungi which can cause skin diseases of the feet. Viruses can live for months without a host, making them very transmittable.
Minor surgery involves surgical removal of the wart tissues or destroying them with the help of the processes such as curettement or electrodesiccation. Although there is a chance for scars to be left behind, this method is pretty effective.
Cantharidin Doctors and healers have used cantharidin + a substance extracted from the blister beetle + to treat warts for centuries. Today, this therapy is sometimes paired with salicylic acid. Your doctor paints this beetle juice onto your wart and covers it with clear tape. The application is painless, but it causes the skin under the wart to blister, liftingthe wart off the skin. Your doctor can then clip away the dead part of the wart in about a week. However, some doctors are hesitant to use cantharidin because it's not approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of warts.
The main goal of treatment is to find a way to help an affected heel absorb shock. The best way to do this is to give the heel with cushioning and elevation. This helps to divert pressure away from the plantar fascia. Special shoe inserts known as Orthotics are highly recommended for treatment. They are designed to absorb shock, elevate the back of the foot, and cradle the heel.
Ligaments connect bone to bone. Tendons connect ligaments to muscles. The contraction and expansion, relaxation of the muscles tightens and loosens the tendons, which in turn, move the bones.
Some of the reasons that may convince you to seek plantar wart treatment are if the warts are painful and spreading fast to other parts of your body. You should also prepare yourself how to handle the treatment. Consider the costs you may expend depending on the wart treatment you would use. Assess your pain threshold as some treatments are really painful especially for excessive plantar wart growth.
heel pain relief can occur in either gender of any age. It is commonly, but not always, associated with rapid weight gain. Athletes, especially runners also seem to experience plantar fasciitis more than the general population, most likely due to the repetitive nature of sports that can damage the tis-sue in the foot. People with high arches or flat feet also have an increased risk of developing this painful condition. People with flat feet may have poor shock absorption, which increases the stretch and strain on the plantar fascia. People with highly arched feet have tighter plantar tissue, which also leads to poor shock absorption.
Plantar warts are the result of an infection. You can come into contact with the human papilloma virus from walking on wet surfaces. If you visit a public swimming pool, it is a good idea to wear swim shoes to protect your feet from contact with the wet walking area around the pool. Students who use the showers at school should wear a protective foot covering (flip flops or swim shoes) to prevent contact with the human papilloma virus and fungi which can cause skin diseases of the feet. Viruses can live for months without a host, making them very transmittable.
Minor surgery involves surgical removal of the wart tissues or destroying them with the help of the processes such as curettement or electrodesiccation. Although there is a chance for scars to be left behind, this method is pretty effective.
Cantharidin Doctors and healers have used cantharidin + a substance extracted from the blister beetle + to treat warts for centuries. Today, this therapy is sometimes paired with salicylic acid. Your doctor paints this beetle juice onto your wart and covers it with clear tape. The application is painless, but it causes the skin under the wart to blister, liftingthe wart off the skin. Your doctor can then clip away the dead part of the wart in about a week. However, some doctors are hesitant to use cantharidin because it's not approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of warts.
The main goal of treatment is to find a way to help an affected heel absorb shock. The best way to do this is to give the heel with cushioning and elevation. This helps to divert pressure away from the plantar fascia. Special shoe inserts known as Orthotics are highly recommended for treatment. They are designed to absorb shock, elevate the back of the foot, and cradle the heel.
Ligaments connect bone to bone. Tendons connect ligaments to muscles. The contraction and expansion, relaxation of the muscles tightens and loosens the tendons, which in turn, move the bones.
Some of the reasons that may convince you to seek plantar wart treatment are if the warts are painful and spreading fast to other parts of your body. You should also prepare yourself how to handle the treatment. Consider the costs you may expend depending on the wart treatment you would use. Assess your pain threshold as some treatments are really painful especially for excessive plantar wart growth.
Wednesday, 12 March 2014
The kale-thyroid connection
“Variety and moderation.” That’s become my food mantra since my shockingly low thyroid result in September. I asked the question “Can you overdose on kale?” and now, 5 months later, I am more convinced than ever that YES, you can overdose on kale.
Too much of any food – even healthy ones – can be harmful.
But I am so happy to report that after 5 months of healthy eating, de-stressing and cutting back on kale has my thyroid almost completely back to normal (woohoo!).
So what does this mean for you? How do you know if you’re eating “too much” kale? Should you eat it at all? Are there other foods that can suppress your thyroid function too? In the past 5 months I’ve done a ton of research about the kale-thyroid connection, and there’s a lot to learn. Let’s dig in.
Why does kale suppress thyroid function?
Stick with me through 30 seconds of sciency talk, and then we’ll get back to the practical information.
Kale is a cruciferous vegetable (also known as brassicas). Cruciferous veggies include cabbage, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, bok choi, arugula (rocket), turnips and watercress (get a longer list of cruciferous vegetables here). There are a lot of healthy veggies in the list!
The connection with the thyroid is that in addition to their healthy compounds, cruciferous vegetables also include isothyocyanates which can inhibit the uptake of iodine by your thyroid – which decreases the amount of thyroid hormone produced and results in ‘underactive thyroid’ or hypothyroidism. (Check out this link for more techincal information on how cruciferous vegetables affect thyroid)
Rather than remembering all of this, it’s probably easier to remember thatcruciferous veggies like kale contain contain goitrogens. (From Wikipedia:“Goitrogens are substances that suppress the function of the thyroid gland by interfering with iodine uptake, which can, as a result, cause an enlargement of the thyroid, i.e., a goiter.)
And it looks like goitrogens can suppress thyroid function in susceptible individuals (who are predisposed to low thyroid, or have low iodine intake, etc.)
Apparently I was susceptible!
Can I ever eat kale again?
YES! Yes, yes yes. Please do eat kale. It’s tasty and packed with nutrients!
You probably just don’t want to eat it raw in smoothies, every day, for a long period of time.
Mix up your greens! Try different greens from different families (for example, add in some romaine lettuce to your green smoothies). And if you’re eating cruciferous veggies, try cooking them first, at least some of the time. If you are a green smoothie drinker, here are some guidelines for rotating your greens.
What’s a ‘normal’ amount of kale to eat?
If you’re a bit of a greens addict, like me, it can be hard to remember what a ‘normal’ serving is.
This study from 1986 showed that people who ate 5 ounces (2/3 cups) of cooked Brussels Sprouts daily for 4 weeks, had no adverse impact on thyroid. Of course, that’s cooked brussels sprouts, where the goitrogens are mostly deactivated.
I couldn’t find any research or firm guidelines on what is safe to eat for thyroid function. So I think this is where you use common sense and listen to your body. If you have any thyroid issues or a family history of them, really limit your intake of raw cruciferous veggies and instead, eat them cooked.
Personally at this point, I’m only eating raw cruciferous veggies as a small amount of homemade sauerkraut. Other than that, it’s all cooked.
But that’s just me. I’d love to hear what you’re doing if you’ve also cut back on kale and cruciferous veg – let’s discuss in the comments!
What other foods can suppress thyroid function?
It’s not just kale. It’s all of the cruciferous veggies I mentioned above, and a few other sneaky additions:
- Soybeans (this is one of the hardest to avoid because many processed foods include soy! Even more reason to cook your own.)
- Pine Nuts
- Peanuts
- Millet
- Strawberries
- Pears
- Peaches
- Spinach
- Sweet Potatoes
There are also a few lesser known cruciferous vegetables:
- maca (are you putting this in your smoothies too?)
- canola / rapeseed
- arugula (rocket)
- horseradish
- wasabi
Again, it doesn’t mean to not eat these foods – just to be aware of them if you’re dealing with a low thyroid issue.
And it’s not just foods – what about chemical exposure?
Not surprisingly, thyroid function (like most other things in our bodies) is affected by environmental toxins as well. Even more reason to DIY your beauty products!
- Bromine - in processed baked goods, some hard plastics, citrus flavored sodas etc.
- Flouride – in toothpastes, urban drinking water
- Triclosan – in antibacterial hand wash and soaps
This is an area I’m just starting to look into – stay tuned for more information on this and healthy DIY alternatives to these products!
Where can I find more information?
Over the past 5 months I’ve done a ton of research, and here are some of my favorite resources for learning more about the kale-thyroid connection (and how to nourish your thyroid back to health – naturally!)
- Listen to this awesome podcast about thyroid health with one of my favorite bloggers Sarah Wilson talking with natural foods chef Andrea Beaman.
- The super comprehensive thyroid site – highly recommended.
- Love him or hate him, Dr. Mercola is always an interesting source for alternative health information – here’s his thyroid article.
- Traditional methods of eating cruciferous veg and a deep look into the dark side of these vegetables. Weston A Price Foundation.
- Thyroid UK is a UK charity all about thyroid health – lots of easy to understand information on here.
So – now I’d love to hear from you and your experience with the kale-thyroid connection. Share your thoughts in the comments!
Top 10 Natural Health Remedies of Coconut Oil
The popularity of coconut oil has skyrocketed in the Western world over the last several years. However, its many health benefits have been known in other regions of the world as part of their ancient history. Better late than never!
Coconut oil is finally taking center stage, and is much needed in our modern world which contains more environmental and food toxins than ever before.
Coconut oil is being hailed as a super ingredient, superfood, and, lately, a super beauty aid. Add to this that it can be consumed or applied to all ages and it becomes a must-have in anyone’s natural health kit.
Let’s take a look at a mere snapshot of the solutions to common and chronic ailments that can be provided by coconut oil.
10. Oral Health - Many natural health practitioners believe that oral health is the very foundation of overall health. Coconut oil has been used as a healthy alternative from toxic commercial toothpastes that contain fluoride. This oil also has been demonstrated to harden enamel, thus reducing the chance of serious dental events. Lastly, due to its antibacterial properties, it serves as a boost toward reducing sores and other infections. Oil pulling with coconut oil is an all-around insurance against tooth decay and debilitating oral health issues.
9. Fungal Treatment - The properties of coconut oil have a wide range of anti-fungal uses: topically for athlete’s foot, for example; and also internally with Candida and yeast infections. It is a soft and beneficial protection for everyone from serious sports athletes to newborns . . . Chemical-free and nutrient dense. For those plagued by Candida, which is a group of over 150 species of yeast that can lead to a host of minor and major complications and diseases, a specific Candida Diet including coconut oil could bring major relief as “coconut oil contains 3 different fatty acids (Caprylic Acid, Capric Acid, Lauric Acid) that have each been found to be effective against the Candida yeast (see the research studies here and here).”
8. Digestive Aid - A number of studies have shown that consumption of coconut oil, which is naturally high in beneficial saturated fats, can alleviate common maladies such as constipation, acid indigestion and acid reflux. Studies also show it to be effective in the much more serious and debilitating affliction, such as authoritative colitis and Crohn’s disease. Coconut oil contains anti-microbial properties that can reduce infection and inflammation, making it ideal for all intestinal and gut-related issues.
7. Nutrient Absorption - As a natural digestive aid, coconut oil has been shown to increase vitamin and mineral absorption. In this area, a technical explanation is required, which shows why nutrient absorption is so important in reducing stress on the body, minimizing the likelihood of chronic diseases, and optimizing one’s overall health and longevity … right from the beginning of life:
For at least five decades researchers have recognized that the medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs) in coconut oil were digested differently than other fats. This difference has had important applications in the treatment of many digestive and metabolic health conditions and since that time MCFA have been routinely used in hospital and baby formulas.The digestive health advantages of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA) over long-chain fatty acids (LCFA) are due to the differences in the way our bodies metabolize these fats. Because the MCFA molecules are smaller, they require less energy and fewer enzymes to break them down for digestion. They are digested and absorbed quickly and with minimal effort.MCFA are broken down almost immediately by enzymes in the saliva and gastric juices so that pancreatic fat-digesting enzymes are not even essential.Therefore, there is less strain on the pancreas and digestive system. This has important implications for patients who suffer from digestive and metabolic problems.Premature and ill infants especially whose digestive organs are underdeveloped, are able to absorb MCFA with relative ease, while other fats pass through their systems pretty much undigested. People who suffer from malabsorption problems such as cystic fibrosis, and have difficulty digesting or absorbing fats and fat soluble vitamins, benefit greatly from MCFA.They can also be of importance for people suffering from diabetes, obesity, gallbladder disease, pancreatitis, Crohn’s disease, pancreatic insufficiency, and some forms of cancer. (Source)

Because of this quick production of energy, athletes have been known to use MCFA to enhance their performance and research may back their claims. In a study published in the Journal of Nutrition, one group of mice was fed medium chain triglycerides while a control group was fed long chain triglycerides. The study lasted 6 weeks and the mice were given a swimming endurance test every other day. The group that was fed the MCT slowly began to out-perform the control group. (Source)
5. Weight Loss - When the body’s digestive system is functioning optimally, absorbing nutrients efficiently, and full of good energy, the body is well-primed for weight loss. Naturally, as we get older, we find that losing weight becomes a greater task as our metabolism declines and organs become increasingly strained. Additionally, blood sugar imbalances can become more frequent, even leading to pre-diabetic or diabetic conditions. The healthy fat properties contained within coconut oil have shown to be effective in stabilizing blood sugar and boosting metabolism, ensuring that the negative fat does not get stored. Some tips for how to prepare coconut oil, as well as the best to use in order to “stomp the weight loss accelerator” can be found HERE.
4. Allergy Relief - There are many natural ways to alleviate allergies such as hay fever, and coconut oil has emerged as yet another much-needed aid to those who suffer seasonally or chronically. Coconut oil also has been used to counter food allergies. Those who have difficulty with common allergens such as soy, wheat, gluten, peanuts, or dairy can find relief with coconut oil. It should be cautioned, however, that in rare cases people can be allergic to coconut oil, so that possibility cannot be discounted completely.
3. Cold and Flu Prevention and Relief - Coconut oil has the trifecta of anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-microbial properties, including lipids, lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid. Daily consumption can significantly boost your immunity. By simply replacing butter and cooking oils with coconut oil, you can easily help your body fend off invaders. If a cold or flu does take hold, coconut oil can shorten the duration and soften the overall effects, as it acts like a natural antibiotic. Adding a bit to a smoothie or tea is a perfect way to help get rid of congestion, sore throat, and pain in bones, joints, head and ears.

1. Skin Protection: This is clearly the single greatest area where coconut oil has proven to be a wonder substance. In fact the uses reach into the many dozens, but among them are: sun protection and salve, moisturizing lotion, non-irritant deodorant, makeup removal, shaving cream, diaper rash protection and salve, age spot removal, stretch mark reduction, and as a massage oil for easing both surface and muscular tension and pain. Using coconut oil to replace commercial products, which are often heavy with petroleum or are water-logged, is a number one use for this miracle substance.
The range of benefits from coconut oil, internally and externally, can easily eliminate a host of toxic-based medications and “treatments” that are not only expensive to purchase, but costly in their long-term cascade of damaging side effects.
One particularly important note regarding quality has been offered by one of the early proponents of coconut oil, Kimberly Snyder:
Organic will ensure 100 percent non-GMO, which is also preferable. Coconut oil is best consumed in moderation, in its virgin or unprocessed form. It is vital that we consume coconut oil in a totally unrefined state. If it has been refined in some way, which could include processes such as bleaching or deodorizing, it becomes much harder on our liver. (Source)
We would love to hear about your success with coconut oil in the areas listed above, as well as other natural health uses for this powerful oil that nature has provided.
Other resources:
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