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Monday 24 March 2014

Fish Oil & Omega-3 Healthy or Not?

How long has it been since you last tasted tasty fish? Well, you have consumed the fish for times uncountable. Not all people are fond of fish but in some or the other form they do harvest the benefits of fish oil. Have you ever thought about the benefits of fish oil? If you are not very health conscious, you may have considered this a matter out of your life. But the people conscious of their physical health and mental well-being cannot afford to be unaware of the nutritional values that the fish oil offers.
What is Fish Oil?

If you are a health conscious person, the question here may appear out of place. Well, fish oil is derived from oily fish tissues. fish oil omega 3
Today, fish oil is widely used in the form of medicines and also mixed in the health food supplements. You may have received several suggestions from the friends for the intake of fish oil. You may have often wondered why the people around you strongly advise to use fish oil. Well, here are few words that sum up the benefits of fish oil in brief.
Contents of Fish Oil

Briefly speaking, fish oil contains Omega-3 fatty acids like EPA or eicosapentaenoic acid and DHA or docosahexaenoic acid. These are known as the precursors of eicosanoids. Eicosanoids are known to diminish inflammation in human body and also known for rendering other benefits of health. There are certain fishes from which the fish oil can be obtained in abundance. Among such fishes; tilefish, king mackerel, albacore, dioxin, mercury and swordfish are known as standing ahead in the queue. Due to the prevalence of fish oil in such fishes, the prices of these also remain comparatively higher than other types of fishes.
Benefits of Using Fish Oils

You may have heard or read about few benefits that are obvious from fish oils. There is host of advantages form fish oil and here are some prominent ones in brief:

1. Reduction in Heart Diseases, Blood Pressure and Stroke

Fish oil is known to lower triglyceride or the cholesterol related fat levels and thus reduces the level of blood pressure. The condition related to blood flow in the body and heart gets much benefit from fish oil. If taken under the proper care and guidance of a specialist or physician, the heart stroke and other heart diseases can also be kept under control. But one must remember that the excess intake of fish oil can cause heart stroke.

2. Helpful in reducing the severity of Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis symptoms can be reduced by the use of fish oil. Any kind of joint pains whether inflammatory or non-inflammatory can be brought under control by the use of fish oil as it contains sufficient amount of omega 3 fatty acids.

3. Effective in weight reduction efforts

The fish oil supplements have been very much in fashion today. The combined effects of EPA and DHA reduce the chances of excess fat accumulation in the body as they have the ability to burn fat. The overweight people or the obese can get tremendous relief by the use of fish oil supplements. The people from all walks can regain the desirable physical looks and fitness by using the fish oil supplements under proper guidance coupled with appropriate physical exercises.

4. Improvement in Bone Health

Vitamin D, magnesium and calcium are very much required for the well-being of bones in the body but one should not forget that Omega 3 fatty acid is one of the indispensable constituents that contribute in improving the bone health. If you really wish to maintain the mineral density in the bones, you should not overlook fish oil supplements.

5. Preservation of thin and less formidable muscles

One should know that the muscles in the body are always active metabolically. Whether you are doing physical exercises, activities or you are at rest; the muscles never stop burning calories. The cancer patients that undergo chemotherapy and the people who are on dieting must remember the benefits of fish oil in maintaining their muscles.

6. Abatement of signs and symptoms of ageing

Omega 3 fatty acids are well known for abating the signs and symptoms of ageing. Not only do the omega 3 fatty acids improve the inner physical health but also boost the health of the outer skin and thus keep one young and energetic. It is not that it prevents ageing but that makes one look and feel younger than one’s actual age.

7. Boost to mental health

You may have often thought about why your mother wanted you to eat fish during the school examinations. Well, really speaking it may not directly or charismatically increase the memory power of your brain but the various researches and studies show that Omega 3 fatty acid preserves the mental well being. It is then obvious that your brain would get boosts and memorize more things than usual. The EPA present in omega 3 fatty acids is very much helpful in the brain’s proper neuronal growth and particularly the frontal cortex growth. The depressive disorder and schizophrenia can be effectively controlled by the use of fish oils.

8. Protection of Brain from Alzheimer’s disease

The Louisiana State University concluded from its research and study that the DHA present in omega 3 fatty acids can to a great extent reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. Though, considering DHA as the absolute remedy of Alzheimer’s disease is certainly a misunderstanding; the analysis and research shows that the brain’s cognitive problems have been brought under control by the use of omega 3 fatty acid that is found in the fish oils.

9. Beneficial effects in Psoriasis

Though, not a complete remedy; the food supplements containing cod liver oil have been, as per the study, very effective in the conditions of psoriasis.

10. Pregnancy and Fish Oil

The chances of brain injury of fetus can be reduced to a great extent by the use of Omega 3 fatty acid (polyunsaturated) that is found commonly in the fish oil. Also the breastfeeding mothers can render long term health benefits to their infants by consuming DHA found in the Omega 3 fatty acid.  The neurodevelopment aspects of the infants can reap great benefits from the mothers if they intake DHA. Fish oil thus proves to be immensely beneficial in many ways. It is not for any simple reason that it is unquestionably accepted worldwide as one of the charismatic elements that works in many ways to benefit the physical and mental well being of human beings.
Precautions to be Observed

After plodding through the magical effects and benefits of fish oil you may be wondering why you never thought of using it. You may have tried to use it in some point of time but gave up as you did not see any immediate and obvious effects. Well, it is advisable that you never plunge into using it without considering its pros and cons. Excess intake of anything can bring about the contrary outcomes and so is the case with fish oil. Be it the medicinal use of it or the use as the supplements; you must always observe precautions before its intake. The excessive use or intake of it can be very dangerous and even fatal. It is always better to resort to the guidance of the specialists or the reputed physicians that have mastered in guiding the intake of fish oil.
What should be the maximum intake of fish oil?

Drawing a boundary in the use of fish oil has been controversial. Some of the research agencies and the institutions consider the intake of 3000mg omega 3 acids as the safe quantity. There may be disagreements on the maximum limit of it but one must know it is always better and safe to intake under the guidance and care of some trustworthy practitioners. Also it is wise to have patience and avoid acting desperately in pursuit of quick outcomes.

Fish oil formulations available in the market

If you have never used the fish oil supplements, you may wonder where and how you can find it. Well, in modern days it is available everywhere and in different forms. You can easily get the fish oil supplements in any chemist shop in the form of tablets, capsules or liquids. Also you do not have to pay extravagant amounts. They are available with different names and from different companies. But one should take some time out of the busy schedule and gather some significant information before actually using it.

Beware of the unreliable companies and products

The escalating use and demand of fish oil supplements has enticed several business organizations towards undertaking this business enterprise. Today, there appears intense competition among various business enterprises. Also some of the organizations try to earn benefits through some immoral and illegal ways by offering the products of poor quality. You may be allured by products that claim to provide quality benefits at the cheapest of prices. It is therefore advisable the before you purchase fish oil supplements, you must sufficiently educate yourself and avoid the poor products. One should bear in mind that it is not possible to buy gold in the price of silver.  The cheaper products may not necessarily poor in quality and yet it is safe to educate oneself before emptying one’s pocket.
Fish Oil and Other Supplements

Is fish oil the only supplement that can benefit you in a holistic manner? Well, you should bear in mind that nothing can solely be responsible and capable of rendering everything that your body-system requires. Furthermore, every individual body-system may require divergent supplements. Fish oil is simply a part of the overall supplements that a body requires for complete well being. It is a serious concern for every individual to know which elements the body needs to maintain perfect health. Omega 3 fatty acids could be beneficial in many ways and yet it cannot be the single entity to take care of all the requirements. Fish oil does improve your eyesight but your inner sight should be strong enough to discern the use of different supplements. But you should be sure of one thing that fish oil is many-in-one supplement that can incomparably provide you multiple benefits.

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